Custom Commissions Terms of Service

  • Payment in full is due before work on the commission is started

  • No refunds or returns for custom artwork

Each painting is hand-painted on high-quality, cold-pressed watercolor paper that will last for years to come. Information about protecting your watercolor art will be sent with the finished commission.

If you would like changes made to the reference photo, please include that information with specific details when you send reference photos to Catherine.

Once reference photos are received, Catherine will follow up with any questions to ensure the painting is to your specifications.

If changes are to be made to a reference photo…

  • After Catherine’s initial sketch is complete, she will send a picture for approval by email. This is the best time to request changes because once color is laid down, it is nearly impossible to make changes.

  • If the sketch is not approved within 5 days of the sketch being sent, Catherine will begin painting without your approval.

  • Any requested changes after this time will incur additional fees. A picture of your finished painting will be sent to you and will then be shipped.

All paintings are shipped in a resealable cellophane envelope inside of a rigid photo mailer to ensure your painting gets to you safely. Paintings are unframed and unmated.

Shipping Indemnification: Shipping is an additional fee (calculated and itemized on your invoice) and items will be shipped by FedEX Express Saver (3 business days) with a tracking number. It is Client’s responsibility to:

  • provide proper shipping details, including the address where final product(s) will be sent; and

  • request any expedited shipping means and the associated fees; and

  • provide anything else not listed in this section that Client desires; and

  • pay for any of these additional services and shipping options in this Shipping Indemnification section.

Style Release: Client has spent time reviewing Catherine Purdy’s work and has a reasonable expectation that Catherine Purdy’s services will produce a reasonably similar outcome and result for Client. Catherine Purdy will use reasonable efforts to ensure Client’s services are carried out in a style and manner consistent with Catherine Purdy’s current portfolio and services, and Catherine Purdy will try to incorporate any suggestions Client makes. However, Client understands and agrees that:

  • Art is a subjective service and Catherine Purdy has a unique vision, with an ever-evolving style and technique.

  • Catherine Purdy will use her personal judgment to create favorable results for Client, which may not include strict adherence to Client’s suggestions.

  • Dissatisfaction with Catherine Purdy’s independent judgment or individual management style are not valid reasons for termination of this Agreement or request of any monies returned.


Original Art: Catherine Purdy retains the ownership of its copyright in any and all work pursuant to federal copyright law under Title 17, Section 201-02. Catherine retains the right to make reproductions of any and all artworks she has created, unless the collector has purchased the full or partial rights to the artwork. The collector or buyer may not reproduce the artwork in any way without written permission.